All You Need To Know About Probiotic Yogurts | Activia Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

All yogurts are made with Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, but most yogurts do not contain probiotics. Probiotics are living, friendly bacteria that have been scientifically studied, and when consumed in sufficient amounts, they provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition. Activia yogurts contain Lactobacillus bulgaricusStreptococcus thermophilusLactococcus lactis AND our probiotic culture, BL Regularis.

Bifidobacterium (animalis) lactis is an exclusive strain of bifidobacteria specially selected by Danone Vitapole (Daniel Carasso Research Centre) and known in Canada under the name BL RegularisBL Regularis is a probiotic, active, living culture used only by Danone. BL Regularis contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system and a healthy gut flora.*

*When consumed as part of a balanced diet and a healthy life style.

Our fresh milk is 100% Canadian.

It comes entirely from the Federation of Milk Producers of Quebec or the Dairy Farmers of Ontario.

The fruit used in our yogurt can come from anywhere in the world, depending on season and availability.

All Danone yogurts contain lactose, except for Activia Lactose-free yogurt. Yogurt is well tolerated by people with lactose intolerance. These people have difficulty absorbing the sugar found in milk, known as lactose, because they produce little or none of the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose into two sugars, thereby making it absorbable. The fermenting agents in yogurt contain this enzyme and pre-digest a part of the lactose. Furthermore, because of its thick texture, yogurt travels slowly through the digestive tract and therefore enters the intestine little by little, allowing for better absorption of the remaining lactose.

Activia is suitable for the whole family, including children who are looking to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Like all dairy products, yogurt should preferably be eaten by the “best before” date.  However, if it is only slightly past the expiry date, there is no danger. The product will simply contain fewer living bacteria and the taste could be slightly more acidic.

The gelatin in Activia is from a bovine source. Our Activia Immune System Probiotic Drink and Activia Plain yogurt do not contain gelatin.

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About Activia Lactose Free

All Danone yogurts contain lactose, except for Activia Lactose-free yogurt. Yogurt is well tolerated by people with lactose intolerance. These people have difficulty absorbing the sugar found in milk, known as lactose, because they produce little or none of the lactase enzyme required to break down lactose into two sugars, thereby making it absorbable. The fermenting agents in yogurt contain this enzyme and pre-digest a part of the lactose. Furthermore, because of its thick texture, yogurt travels slowly through the digestive tract and therefore enters the intestine little by little, allowing for better absorption of the remaining lactose.

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